Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse

This legacy SAM application monitor template contains performance and statistics counters for monitoring SQL Data Warehouse.

Note: This deprecated template is not included in fresh installations of SAM 2020.2 and later. Use the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics API poller template instead. If you're new to API Poller templates, watch API Pollers: When SNMP Won't Cut It.


  • Install a PowerShell module (Azure, AzureRM) before using this template
  • To connect with an Azure account, you'll need:
    -A SubscriptionID, ApplicationID, TenantID, and Secret Key.
    -Any Azure App (with its name and ID) with minimum role of Read Only.
  • The name of the SQL Data Warehouse for which metrics are calculated.
  • PowerShell version 5.0 or later.


  • Login credentials for the Azure Portal. passed as script arguments per prerequisites (<SubscriptionID>, <TenantID>, <ApplicationID>, value=<Secret Key>, <SQL Data Warehouse Name>).
  • Optional parameters can be passed to the script argument:
    • value=<Time Interval> - during which data must be fetched, in minutes. The default is 10 minutes.
    • Number of retries as the second last argument; the default is 3.
    • WaitTime as the last argument; the default is 0.5 seconds

Portions of this document were originally created by and are excerpted from the following sources:



Data warehouse units (DWU) utilization

This metric provides the maximum percentage of database warehouse units used for the given SQL database during the time period specified as the polling frequency.

Unit: Percent

Data warehouse units (DWU) limit

This metric provides the maximum database warehouse limit in units for the given SQL database during the time period specified as the Polling Frequency.

Unit: Count

Data warehouse units (DWU) used

This metric provides the maximum database throughput units per minute used for the given SQL database during the time period specified as the polling frequency.

Unit: Count