This script provides two ways to not hear about applications during a maintenance window. The script is fully customizable for your needs and commented thoroughly.
It uses one of two methods:
# Using 'Unmanage' verb on 'Orion.APM.Application' entity # Arguments: # [string]netObjectId (in the form of "AA:#"") # [datetime]unmanageTime # [datetime]remanageTime # [bool]isRelative # Using 'SuppressAlerts' verb on 'Orion.AlertSuppression' entity # Arguments: # [string[]]entityUris # [datetime]suppressFrom # [datetime]suppressUntil
In this example, we are matching applications from a template called File and Folder Counts (PowerShell) and the list of IPs where it should be running is provided in a flat file with just the IPs. This is easy enough to customize be editing the script.
Inspired by Invoke-SwisVerb : Verb Orion.APM.Application.Unmanage cannot unpackage parameter 3 of type System.Boolean