APC SmartUPS Universal Device Pollers

This is a fairly comprehensive collection of Universal Device Pollers for APC SmartUPS devices. If by chance something is missing from this template that you'd like to see reply to this posting and I'll update as needed.

Import this UnDP into Orion

To import this UnDP into the Universal Device Poller download the file to your Orion Server and then open the Universal Device Poller Win32 application (Start - Programs - Solarwinds Orion - Network Performance Monitor - Universal Device Poller). From the "File" menu select "Import Universal Device Poller". Click "Open", browse to the location when you saved the downloaded file and click "Open". Select "SmartUPS" from the left hand window of the Universal Device Poller Import Wizard and click "Import". Finally click "OK".


Apply This UnDP to Nodes

To apply this UnDP to your APC UPS equipment open the Universal Device Poller as described above. Click on "Assign Pollers". Expand "All pollers", check the box next to "SmartUPS" and click "Next". Expand “All Nodes” and select the APC SmartUPS device from the list of Orion monitored nodes and click “Finish”.


Add the Universal Device Poller Status to your View
Click “Admin” in the top right of the Orion web interface and then click “Manage Views” under “Views”. Select "Node Details" from the list and click "Edit". Click the green [+] to add a resource to the view. Under the "Node Detail Reports - Resources that apply to a single network node" select "Universal Device Poller Status" and click “submit” to add the Universal Device Poller Status to the Node Details view. Lastly click “Done”. Your changes will be saved and you’ll be returned to Manage Views. Now when you navigate to a node that has the SmartUPS UnDP applied to it the Universal Device Poller status tabular data will be displayed in the web interface of Orion.