Hi, Upgraded to 7.2
Is there a way around having to go into every device and select the corrcet model and EOS/EOL date from the suggestions?
I already have EOS, EOL dates against most node IDs in NCM from manual work - and to now have to go back through and select 1000 of them manually is a bit much...any help?
If the answer to the above is "it is a manual process only" then i will need to be able to import the attached into the nodes table, linking the appropriate fields in the EOS tables to keep consistancy. as the moment I am about a year behind where i was with my own EOL reporting.
Edited: This needs to be based on 'Inventory data' as per my reports, NCM needs to be able to support switch stacks (3750x) and VSS (Virtual Switches) which are represented as one node in NPM, and for many other purposes in NCM, but for EOL/EOS and inventory based functions like this it will maybe need to EOL/EOS data residing in the Physical Inventory table instead? so that line cards and all other modules could be reported on?
CSV of current dates attached. (Cisco_EOL_Dates_PerNode_NCM.txt)
Copy of current report and colour formatting also attached (summary version only so I dont have to redact information). I will as soon as i have all the correct data in NCM Nodes re-create the sql report and share to the community. (Audit Count by Model ALL.pdf). All data is taken from NCM, formatting is as below;
=IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < Today(), "Red",
IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < dateadd(dateinterval.Year, 2, Today()), "Orange", IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < dateadd(dateinterval.Year, 15, Today()), "GreenYellow", "White")))
=IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < Today(), "White","Black")
Lastly I have some issues, which i will log here first then if required log a feature/bug request.
1. Device in Sale/Support
Would like it to show a 'green tick' next to devices that have not had an EOS or EOL raised against them.
"n\a" or similar in date fields. At the moment it looks like they have just not found a matching item,
and shows as 'no suggested dates' rather than 'no notice is applicable etc
2. Manual Date Boxes
Does NOT let you type in a date directly, have to scroll through months and months to get to the correct year!! not user friendly.
3. 'Best Match' Option
It may be better if NCM could match the PartNo not machinetype it seems to use (very good on Cisco EOL codes) and make a best match, rather
than manually having to go through each device and choose the one that matches.
Can SW share the matching code it uses? see if it can be tweaked by us SW users..