Something I've been wanting to do is create a "middle initial" field within my user creation template. I tried to create a checkbox that would target the "initials" variable and put a period before the single character, and a trailing whitespace afterward.
However, I don't think checkboxes can be used within user provisioning templates, but I'm wondering if someone was able to figure out how to put in optional text-fields
"Name": "middleInitial",
"Definition": {
"Type": "Checkbox",
"DefaultValue": false,
"Label": "Add Middle Initial?",
"Constraints": {
"ForbiddenChars": [],
"ValidationRule": "",
"ValidationInformation": "",
"UniquenessConstraint": "",
"CreationRule": ".{initials} "
"Name": "initials",
"Definition": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "Middle Initial",
"Description": "",
"DefaultValue": null,
"IsRequired": false,
"IsEnabled": true,
"isHidden": false,
"isHiddenFromRequester": false,
"Constraints": {
"MaxLength": 1,
"ForbiddenChars": [],
"ValidationRule": null,
"ValidationInformation": null,
"UniquenessConstraint": "",
"CreationRule": ""