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Optional Textfield Entries

Something I've been wanting to do is create a "middle initial" field within my user creation template. I tried to create a checkbox that would target the "initials" variable and put a period before the single character, and a trailing whitespace afterward.

However, I don't think checkboxes can be used within user provisioning templates, but I'm wondering if someone was able to figure out how to put in optional text-fields

"Name": "middleInitial",
"Definition": {
"Type": "Checkbox",
"DefaultValue": false,
"Label": "Add Middle Initial?",
"Constraints": {
"ForbiddenChars": [],
"ValidationRule": "",
"ValidationInformation": "",
"UniquenessConstraint": "",
"CreationRule": ".{initials} "

"Name": "initials",
"Definition": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "Middle Initial",
"Description": "",
"DefaultValue": null,
"IsRequired": false,
"IsEnabled": true,
"isHidden": false,
"isHiddenFromRequester": false,
"Constraints": {
"MaxLength": 1,
"ForbiddenChars": [],
"ValidationRule": null,
"ValidationInformation": null,
"UniquenessConstraint": "",
"CreationRule": ""

  • Hey bp00, here is your checkbox.

    "Key": "distributiongroupe",
    "Value": {
    "Type": "Checkbox",
    "DefaultValue": true,
    "Label": "Create distribution group ",
    If you want a textarea or field just change the type.

  • Unfortunately, when checking the checkbox on the webform, the Boolean "true" is populated into the middle name textbox and not the character I place into the "Middle Initial" textbox entry.

    I try to utilize the middle initial by only when the checkbox is checked and it would automatically populate the given fields like the DisplayName or the CN:

    "Name": "cn",
    "Definition": {
    "Type": "TextField",
    "Label": "['en-us:Full Name', 'de-de:Common-Name', 'fr-fr:Nom commun']",
    "Description": "",
    "DefaultValue": null,
    "IsRequired": true,
    "IsEnabled": true,
    "isHidden": false,
    "isHiddenFromRequester": false,
    "Constraints": {
    "MaxLength": -1,
    "ForbiddenChars": null,
    "ValidationRule": "",
    "ValidationInformation": "",
    "UniquenessConstraint": "",
    "CreationRule": "{givenname} {middleInitial} {sn}"
    "Name": "displayName",
    "Definition": {
    "Type": "TextField",
    "Label": "['en-us:DisplayName']",
    "Description": "",
    "DefaultValue": null,
    "IsRequired": false,
    "IsEnabled": false,
    "isHidden": false,
    "isHiddenFromRequester": false,
    "Constraints": {
    "MaxLength": -1,
    "ForbiddenChars": null,
    "ValidationRule": "",
    "ValidationInformation": "",
    "UniquenessConstraint": "",
    "CreationRule": "{sn}, {givenname} {middleInitial}"

    But it looks like the checkbox Boolean string value only comes up

  • Yeah you will only get the boolean as value. If you want a string you need to use a textfield. Unfortunately, the templates are quite limited. You cannot use the boolean for an if query.