How do I get the vcenter name in alert emails

Hey ya'll,  I am using alerts triggered by VMware Triggered Alarm to find hardware issues on our VMware Hosts.  I have the alert working but would LOVE to be able to insert the variable for the vcenter name into the email.


Unfortunately the only place I can find the vcenter name is in the Orion.VIM.VirtualDisks table.


Is there a way to Join enough tables so that I can get the vcenter name in the email alerts.

Parents Reply
  • I did some initial testing in my lab with a dummy alert I set up. Please add this to your e-mail message body:

    ${N=SWQL;M=SELECT VCenterName
    FROM Orion.VIM.VirtualDisks
    WHERE VirtualMachineID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=VirtualMachine.VirtualMachineID}}

    That should pull the VCenterName record from the Orion.VIM.VirtualDisks table you provided based off of the dynamic VirtualMachineID of the VM that triggered the alert.

    Please let me know if that works for you. If not, I'll gladly revisit. Thumbsup
