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Shipping Service to India

I have been part of this community for more than 4 years , have been continuously participating in all contests . Unfortunately , I am not able to redeem anything from your STORE as we do not have SHIPPING TO INDIA. I kindly request management to kindly look into this and if they cannot start shipping to INDIA offically on paper , they can atleast arrange shipping for few people  like me . Hope being part of this community will not a disappointment . Looking for positive response this time. Thanks

  • Hi  - thank you for your participation. We've mentioned before that our current setup doesn't allow for this, but we're hopeful we can add this in the future. We're actively working to update the store so more folks can make use of it. We unfortunately cannot send items to a few people, as this would be unfair to many of our international users. Our THWACK MVP program offers international shipping as a perk of the program and you can strive to earn this status in the community so this may be offered to you. User engagement is evaluated every spring and MVPs are announced in May.

  • Hi  - thank you for your participation. We've mentioned before that our current setup doesn't allow for this, but we're hopeful we can add this in the future. We're actively working to update the store so more folks can make use of it. We unfortunately cannot send items to a few people, as this would be unfair to many of our international users. Our THWACK MVP program offers international shipping as a perk of the program and you can strive to earn this status in the community so this may be offered to you. User engagement is evaluated every spring and MVPs are announced in May.

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