I have an application running in my environment on all Server 2016 and SQL 2016. The application may get upgraded in the near future. I am all jazzed about getting SQL Sentry installed for my DBA. I don't want to install it and attache it to a server running SQL 2016 then go thru the pain of the upgrade. I know that it will cost to run another instance of SQL, but feel that it is the right thing to do. I want to load both the console and database on the same server as we will use this for no more than 10 SQL servers.
What are the pros or cons? Can I even do this? What would you all do? I am not a DBA, I just know that I loved the SQL Sentry demo and that this is the tool that we need in our environment.
I need advice and a push in the right direction! Love you guys! Throw this chick a bone please!!!