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DPA Startup Failure - IDC State Error

How to fix the error related to DPA Startup Failure - IDC State Error?

I got this error showing:

Does the WIndows DPA Service account must be the member of Domain / Enterprise Admins group, or the Local Administrator on the target SQL Server will be enough?

  • This one looks to be credentials related. When the repository was created, we record the repo schema user and PW in the file (PW gets encrypted on restart of DPA). Assuming from the post that your repo is on SQL Server, can you run SSMS from the DPA application host/VM and see if you can authenticate with the creds in the file? Also, for that login, is it windows/AD auth or SQL auth? As always for these types of issues, you may want to open a support ticket so we can collect detailed logs.

  • This one looks to be credentials related. When the repository was created, we record the repo schema user and PW in the file (PW gets encrypted on restart of DPA). Assuming from the post that your repo is on SQL Server, can you run SSMS from the DPA application host/VM and see if you can authenticate with the creds in the file? Also, for that login, is it windows/AD auth or SQL auth? As always for these types of issues, you may want to open a support ticket so we can collect detailed logs.

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