Welcome to THWACK! We're excited you're here. SolarWinds launched our online community in 2003 and since then, more than 195,000 IT professionals have congregated here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly contribute to our product development process.
With more than 100 forums and over 50 products, the purpose of the THWACK 101 mission is to set you up with a strong foundation and introduce you to key areas within the community. Also, you'll earn some points along the way you can cash in for exclusive SWAG in our online store—or, if you're the fiscally responsible type, continue your participation here on the boards and save up for something a bit flashier.
So, step right up, start getting to know the inner workings of THWACK, and maybe we'll see you on the leaderboard next month.
Complete all seven tasks below and we will deposit 1,500 points into your account!