Welcome to THWACK! We're excited you're here. SolarWinds launched our online community in 2003 and since then, more than 195,000 IT professionals have congregated here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly contribute to our product development process.
With more than 100 forums and over 50 products, the purpose of the THWACK 101 mission is to set you up with a strong foundation and introduce you to key areas within the community. Also, you'll earn some points along the way you can cash in for exclusive SWAG in our online store—or, if you're the fiscally responsible type, continue your participation here on the boards and save up for something a bit flashier.
So, step right up, start getting to know the inner workings of THWACK, and maybe we'll see you on the leaderboard next month.
Complete all seven tasks below and we will deposit 1,500 points into your account!
In order to complete the THWACK 101 Onboarding Mission, you will first need to Sign in.
In addition to the hundreds of thousands IT pros, THWACK gives you direct access to your favorite Solarians.
Can't decide who to follow? Checkout some of our Community MVPs!
Friend or follow at least three members to complete this task.
Checking task status...THWACK is such a powerful IT community because of the personalities and content that each member brings to the table. We can't wait to learn what's going on with you!
To complete this task, share a status update on your Profile status.
Checking task status...SolarWinds values our customer input and relies on THWACKster input to help guide our product roadmaps. It's within your power to directly impact the product updates we make - all you need to do is submit a product feature request or upvote feature requests your fellow THWACKsters have already submitted.
To complete this task, read through some of the existing product feature requests and upvote a feature you'd like to see in the future. Or, if there's a new feature that you'd like to see in one of our products, propose your own.
Checking task status...In addition to the daily discussions and topics that THWACKsters bring to the forums, there are several designated blog spaces on THWACK:
You can stay up to date with real-time updates by subscribing to your favorite blog spaces. To complete this task, subscribe to at least one blog space.
Checking task status...THWACK isn't just about being social (though we highly encourage that!). THWACK also houses a plethora of training programs to get (and keep) you up to speed.
To complete this task, select all of the educational resources below that are hosted on THWACK.
All the resources listed are located on THWACK except SolarWinds Academy. Don't let that fool you though — SolarWinds Academy is a powerful resource available for free to all customers on active maintenance. Take a second to check out upcoming classes.
Grading question...If you can't tell by now, THWACK is all about being part of a community of peers and making friends. It's a lot easier to network when you can know who you're talking to.
To complete this task, edit your profile and add a custom avatar image, and set your title and company or organization.
Checking task status...
Almost done! You'll be raking in the THWACK points after completing this THWACK 101 Mission. What are THWACK points for?
Hint: Achievement & Gamification Documentation
{{ tasks['thwack101.friend-or-follow'].feedback }}
To follow a member, click on a username link to navigate to a user's profile page, then click Connect and select Follow, or Request Friendship to friend them.
It doesn't appear as if you've updated your status yet. To update your status, navigate to your profile, scroll down to the Status widget and enter a status update. Let other THWACKsters know what your up to!
It doesn't appear as if you've created or upvoted any Feature Requests. If you have, it may take up to an hour for the cache to reset, so come back and check again in a bit.
Within the various product forums, click the Feature Requests link in the header
Peruse the existing features requests and upvote one you like.
You do not appear to have notifications turned on for any blogs.
Navigate to a blog by choosing
You can also find a link to the Newsroom for each product.
From the blog page, click the Gear icon and then select Turn blog notifications on.
No, that's not quite right.
HINT: Everything except for SolarWinds Academy is hosted on THWACK.
Don't let that fool you though — SolarWinds Academy is a powerful resource available for free to all customers on active maintenance.
Take a second to check out upcoming classes.
It doesn't look like you've done everything you need to. Make sure you have the following set in your profile:
You're kidding, right?!
HINT: THWACK points are only legal tender on THWACK.
But, you can use them to buy lots of cool SolarWinds swag!!
Great job completing the THWACK 101 Onboarding Mission!
Now go forth and do amazing things in IT!
SolarWinds solutions are rooted in our deep connection to our user base in the THWACK® online community. More than 200,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly contribute to our product development process.