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C# Update node fields example / toggle managed unmanaged


I am looking for an example of how to put a node in unmanaged mode using the API. I am developing in C#, but will settle for any example out there.

Anything that will get me in the right direction will be helpful

Thanks in advance!

  • The SDK documentation includes an example of how to do this in PowerShell.

  • (1) create a new C# project

    (2) add reference to your SW-Orion Webservices as "orion_misc.SWIS.Informa...."

    (3) this is part of my code...


    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true;

            var client = new orion_misc.SWIS.InformationServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_InformationService",

                    string.Format("https://{0}:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/OrionBasic", hostname));

            client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = username;

            client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password;


        // create the parameter list to pass into the verb
        ProxyMarshalHelper helper = new ProxyMarshalHelper();

    string netObjectID = "N:" + iNodeID.ToString();
        DateTime WindowStartDateTime = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime WindowEndDateTime = WindowStartDateTime.AddSeconds(iMins * 60);
        bool isRelative = false;

    helper.ArgsAdd(typeof(string), netObjectID);
        helper.ArgsAdd(typeof(DateTime), WindowStartDateTime);
        helper.ArgsAdd(typeof(DateTime), WindowEndDateTime);
        helper.ArgsAdd(typeof(bool), isRelative);

        var element = new orion_misc.SWIS.ArrayOfXmlElement();

    // invoke the verb
        var result2 = client.Invoke("Orion.Nodes", "Unmanage", element);




    internal class ProxyMarshalHelper : IDisposable


        private readonly MemoryStream _stream;

        private readonly XmlTextWriter _writer;

        private bool _empty;

        public ProxyMarshalHelper()


            _stream = new MemoryStream();

            _writer = new XmlTextWriter(_stream, Encoding.UTF8);

            _empty = true;


        public void Dispose()




        public void ArgsStart()


            _stream.Position = 0;


            _empty = true;


        public XElement[] ArgsEnd()


            if (_empty)

                return new XElement[0];




            _stream.Position = 0;

            XmlTextReader _reader = new XmlTextReader(_stream);

            return XDocument.Load(_reader).Elements().First().Elements().ToArray();


        public void ArgsAdd(Type argType, object argValue)


            if (_empty)


                _empty = false;




            DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(argType);

            dcs.WriteObject(_writer, argValue);


        public object RetConvert(Type retType, XmlElement retValue)


            if (retValue == null)

                return null;

            DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(retType);

            XPathNavigator navigator = retValue.CreateNavigator();

            if (navigator == null)

                return null;

            return dcs.ReadObject(navigator.ReadSubtree(), false);

