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Is it possible to get a results from following sql script in Report Writer?

Hi. I want to create a Report, but I cannot get a results in Report Writer.

It's a very simple script.

IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#t_out', N'U') IS NOT NULL 
create table #t_out (Cap Varchar(255), Outage int)

insert #t_out (Cap,Outage)
select 'asdasdasd',100

select *
from #t_out


  • Hi Gob--

    I need a little more information in order to help you.

    --what business need are you trying to fill with this report?

    --from where is the data that you are putting into the db in the report originating?

    Let me know,



  • Hi MarieB. Thank you for your answer. I want to create a Summary Report  from this topic

    This report provides data on the outages duration for each node in selected time period.  
    This is a full version of my script. It work perfectly in MS SQL Management Studio.
    set dateformat dmy
    declare @period smallint
    declare @periodbegin datetime
    declare @periodend datetime
    declare @Sensitivity smallint
    --Add here Sensitivity (min), period(days) or periodbegin/periodend==========
    set @Sensitivity=25
    set @period='31'
    set @periodbegin=''
    set @periodend=''
    if @period!=''
    set @periodbegin=(GetDate()-@period)
    set @periodend=getdate()
    if @periodend='' set @periodend=getdate()
    --============================create temp table==========================
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#t_out', N'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #t_out
    create table #t_out (Caption  Varchar(255), OutageDurationInMinutes int)
    insert #t_out (Caption,OutageDurationInMinutes)
    --===================fill in (begin)===================
    ------------------------------Add here another column-------------------
    DATEDIFF(Mi, StartTime.EventTime, (SELECT TOP 1 EventTime FROM Events AS Endtime
             EndTime.EventTime > StartTime.EventTime AND
             EndTime.EventType = 5 AND EndTime.NetObjectType = 'N' AND
             EndTime.NetworkNode = StartTime.NetworkNode ORDER BY EndTime.EventTime))
    AS OutageDurationInMinutes
    FROM Events StartTime INNER JOIN Nodes ON
    StartTime.NetworkNode = Nodes.NodeID
    (StartTime.EventType = 1) AND
    (StartTime.NetObjectType = 'N') AND (
     EventTime > @periodbegin
    AND EventTime < @periodend
     )and (DATEDIFF(Mi, StartTime.EventTime, (SELECT TOP 1 EventTime FROM Events AS Endtime
    EndTime.EventTime > StartTime.EventTime AND
    EndTime.EventType = 5 AND EndTime.NetObjectType = 'N' AND
    EndTime.NetworkNode = StartTime.NetworkNode ORDER BY EndTime.EventTime)))
    --------------------------------------Sensitivity (min)-----------------------
                                > @Sensitivity
    ---------------------------------------Add here another filter---------------------
    --                                             and caption like '%pix%'
    ORDER BY caption asc
     --===================fill in (END)===================
    select caption, sum(OutageDurationInMinutes) as OutageDurationInMinutes,
    cast(floor (sum(OutageDurationInMinutes)/60) as varchar(3))+':'+cast(sum(OutageDurationInMinutes)-60*floor (sum(OutageDurationInMinutes)/60) as varchar(2)) as OutageDurationInHours
    from #t_out
    group by caption

    DROP TABLE #t_out

  • Hi Gob--

    Thanks for the addtional info. I'm going to mark this thread for the product manager and NPM dev to see about getting it addressed.


  • Hello,
    there is problem with inner operations like CREATE TABLE or INSERT.
    Report writer isn't able to handle these results.

    Fix is very easy: put as first statement in your SQL query:

    Which prevents to return results from inner operations (e.g.: "Command(s) completed successfully.").
    So your SQL should look like:

    set dateformat dmy
    declare @period smallint
  • What would be the format of periodbegin= & periodend=???

    I've tried the following???

    periodbegin='02/14/2010' & periodend='02/15/2010'

    periodbegin='2/14/2010' & periodend='2/15/2010'

    periodbegin='02142010' & periodend='02152010'

    periodbegin='2142010' & periodend='2152010'

  • I actually hijacked this report too!  :)  (Thanks Gob!)

    I created 2 reports - Outage Duration by Device - Last 7 Days and Last 31 Days.  The only field I modified was:


    --Add here Sensitivity (min), period(days) or periodbegin/periodend==========
    set @Sensitivity=25
    set @period='31'
    set @periodbegin=''
    set @periodend=''

    I changed it to '7'.

    Not a SQL expert by any means, but that appears to have done the trick.

  • Hi Gob... I am not really a SQL expert, but I do find this report very worthwhile. The one thing I would like to do is to modify this report so only  certain devices are displayed (i.e. routers and switches and not firewalls) based upon a custom property field (created in custom property editor) called "device_type"  I would like to display another custom property field called "Site_location".  Is this possible to do this with your SQL script?... note this is very similar to the Network Node down Summary that you created that no longer works with 9.5.1---  Any help would greatly be appreciated..


    chuck harpham

  • Hi All.

    What would be the format of periodbegin= & periodend=???

    Date format is dmy . If you want to use a custom period you should  set @period to nothing. For example.

    set @period=''
    set @periodbegin='20-02-2009'
    set @periodend='01-03-2009'

    charpham , you can use any columns from Nodes table for your filter. Including your custom properties. Which columns do you can to use? Try this simple query

    select top 10 * from nodes

    in MS SQL Management studio or in Report Writer.

    Then find this line in my script and correct it for self.

    ---------------------------------------Add here another filter---------------------

    --and (device_type='router' or device_type='switch') and device_type<>'firewall' 


  • thanks.. This worked regarding the filters... The one I would like to do is add two more "columns" to the table "Site_Location" and Device_Type" but I am not sure how this can be done.. so it would look something like this...


    Caption            Site_Location        Device_Type     OutageDurationInHours   OutageDurationInMinustes

    router XXXX     las vegas               WAN                  1:4                                   64


    thanks again for your help