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Atlas maps not displaying on Orion website

I wanted to reach out to the vast community and see if someone may have a solution.   For about 3 months now, I've been unable to view any of my Atlas maps within the Orion website.    The map resource keeps throwing an error.  SolarWinds development has looked at the issue and given me many instructions, but we cannot seem to find a resolution.

I am able to use the Atlas client without any issues on the server or my laptop.   To rule out any specific system issue and because I am at wit's end,  we spun up a new VM and installed all SolarWinds modules.  The install went very well with no issues to report.

The error still persist so that kind of leaves me with the database.??   I'm not sure what else it could be.   This started happening with the upgrade from 12.0 to 12.2.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

SW Ticket # - 1255702


or something like the following:  Yes I am able to find this map within the database and verify the map is in working order.


System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

   at System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait(Boolean exitContext, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Object obj)

   at System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(Object obj, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)

   at SolarWinds.MapStudio.Web.MapRunner.Execute(CreateMapParameters parameters)

   at MapService.CreateMap(CreateMapParameters parameters)

   at MapService.GetMap(String sessionId)

2017-12-26 12:29:28,174 [141] (124) ERROR MapService - (null)  Unexpected error: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

   at MapService.GetMap(String sessionId)

2017-12-26 12:29:28,174 [141] (124) ERROR ASP.global_asax - (null)  Application_Error(16f7ca781c3e451188a169afdc37829a)

System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): Request timed out.

2017-12-26 12:30:31,472 [MapRunner Worker] (0) WARN  MapRunner - (null)  Import thread did not finish in a reasonable amount of time. Terminating...

2017-12-26 12:30:31,472 [Import 19a94b49-a912-4610-81f1-4071835c9dab.OrionMap] (125) FATAL MapEngine - (null)  GetFile(3f66ea29-75d7-44b0-b62f-9ab84864c5e0) failed.

System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException: Thread was interrupted from a waiting state.

   at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitMultiple(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext, Boolean WaitAll)

   at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(WaitHandle[] waitHandles, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Executor.Execute()

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Execute(Action`1 operation, Boolean throwOnError)

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.WcfConnectionDependentExecutor`1.Execute[TResult](Func`2 operation)

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.MapEngineConnection.CreateQuery[T](String selectStatement, Boolean isForce, PropertyBag parameters)

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.MapEngineConnection.CreateQuery[T](String selectStatement, PropertyBag parameters)

   at SolarWinds.MapEngine.FileSynchronization.GetFile(String fileId)

2017-12-26 12:30:31,676 [Import 19a94b49-a912-4610-81f1-4071835c9dab.OrionMap] (125) WARN  MapRunner - (null)  CreateMapTask{ID=19a94b49-a912-4610-81f1-4071835c9dab.OrionMap,State=Aborted,Exception=ThreadAbortException:"Thread was being aborted."} failed at Aborted

2017-12-26 12:30:31,676 [Import 19a94b49-a912-4610-81f1-4071835c9dab.OrionMap] (125) ERROR MapRunner - (null)  CreateMapTask{ID=19a94b49-a912-4610-81f1-4071835c9dab.OrionMap,State=Aborted,Exception=ThreadAbortException:"Thread was being aborted."}

  • Any word on this issue. We just upgraded from 12.0 to 12.2 and now have the same problem.

    2018-02-13 11:22:06,681 [6] WARN  SolarWinds.InformationService.Contract2.InfoServiceProxy - Support! -- LONG RUNNING QUERY: 32929.818 ms: SELECT MapStudioFiles.FileId, MapStudioFiles.FileName, MapStudioFiles.FileData, MapStudioFiles.Timestamp, MapStudioFiles.Owner, MapStudioFiles.UpdateUser, MapStudioFiles.IsDeleted, MapStudioFiles.LockUser, MapStudioFiles.FileType, MapStudioFiles.LockDate, MapStudioFiles.ComputerName

    FROM Orion.MapStudioFiles

    WHERE MapStudioFiles.FileId = '461316d9-c3b6-4f56-9f89-15b2c6085337' AND MapStudioFiles.IsDeleted = 0 AND MapStudioFiles.InstanceSiteId = 0 RETURN XML AUTO

  • Hi,

         I did have this issue as well when I did a previous update to 12.0 or 12.1. It has been a while though I did not make a note of the specific cause and solution in our internal JIRA nor did I create a bookmark to the solution unfortunately. I do remember that I had to delete a few files from SolarWinds server and then rerun the Configuration Wizard to fix this.

    After a quick search, I did find a page for this issue for NPM,

    Unexpected Error: An error occurred while generating map (map name).OrionMap - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Suppo…

    Hopefully that will fix the issue for you.

  • Thank you for the information.  Hopefully that will help someone reading this.  I actually just rebuilt my primary and secondary pollers over this, and the problem still exists.  Developers and support have both been working on the issue for a while.

  • Now i will say that support believes it is a folders permissions issue.  When i run the permissions checker, it always fails on 3 folders.  Two of them are Windows/temp folders.  Every time I verify, I find that the correct permissions are set.  When I ask PC to repair the folders, it will without any issues. I can immediately run permissions checker again and it passes.

    In any case, I still get the error on the website right after.

    Very strange. 

  • Okay, after much digging I found a solution that worked for me. Hopefully it will help others.

    The problem for me came down a map handling difference between version 12 and 12.2 and the database maintenance tool does not really clean up all orphaned data sets.

    1. In Network Atlas delete any map that was not in active use.
    2. In Network Atlas access every active map and remove any unsupported Image files. They may have worked in version 12, but version 12.2 can not process them and will not throw an error when it comes across them. Network Atlas can identify the unsupported image file types when you open the map.
    3. In the database run "Delete FROM [YourDBNamehere].[dbo].[MapStudioFiles] Where IsDeleted = ‘1’"
    4. Run Database Maintenance locally on the polling engine.

    You may be required to rebuild a few maps, but at least things will work again.

    Hope this helps!!

  • Hi,

    please see this KB Map issues after installing Orion Platform 2017.3 Hotfix 5 - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Support

    especially the last part:

    If the steps above did not resolve the issue, update the FileData type in the Orion Schema:

    If you have EOC deployed, do not follow these steps. Changing the FileData type would break your EOC deployment.

    1. Open the file "c:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\Orion\Information Service\3.0\Schemas\OrionSchema.xml".
    2. Find line <property name="FileData" type="System.Byte[]" />.
    3. Replace the line with <property name="FileData" type="System.Binary" />.The only change is Byte[] to Binary.
    4. Save the file. No need to restart services.
    5. Reload the web page with maps.
    6. Repeat the steps on every computer that is hosting the website (main, HA main, Additional Web Server).
  • So for the past 15 days I have been standing up a completely new 2016 environment, including SQL 2016.    After I started creating maps I found out that I was getting the same errors as my old 2012 environment.     The only thing I transferred was the .gif files I had created for my cisco devices and my satellite maps which are also in .gif format.   After I deleted the satellite pictures, the maps were able to be viewed on the website again. 

    I would like to figure out why the satellite pics worked for so long but started failing on 12.1, but I just do not have time to figure it out as of yet.

  • hi, have you tried the KB I posted ealier today? your satellite pics will work in your maps when you make the change in orionschema.xml as advised.

  • Thanks for the post.   I will try that later today on my old environment to see if it resolves the issues there.   Will post after I have results one way or the other.

    Thank you