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PowerOrion - Works in IDE and No Where Else


I have a script to add a Node and then Custom Properties.  I wrote the script in PowerShell IDE and when I run it in IDE it works.  When I save it and run it from a PowerShell window it fails.

I am not running in x86, I am running as Adminstrator.

I am getting the following errors-

Get-SwisObject : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'SwisConnection' because it is null.

At C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\Modules\PowerOrion\PowerOrion.psm1:226 char:45

+                 $nodeProps = Get-SwisObject $swis -Uri $newNode

+                                             ~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Get-SwisObject], ParameterBindingValidationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,SwisPowerShell.GetSwisObject

Cannot index into a null array.

At C:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\Modules\PowerOrion\PowerOrion.psm1:231 char:21

+                     $nodeSettings = @{

+                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray

My Script:

##Decalre Variables

Import-Module PowerOrion

#SWIS Connection

$Hostname = ""


$SNMPVersion = "SNMPv2"

$CommunityString = "rad"

#Server Information

$ServerName = 'MyServerName'

#Get DNS Name From IP

$ServerIP = (resolve-dnsname -Type A $ServerName).IPAddress

#SolarWinds Custom Properties

$PatchGroupProd3 = 'PROD3'

$EmailTo = "MyEmail"

$EmailCC = ""

$Environment = "Production"

$Description = "TEST PowerShell"

$Site = "HQ"

$SWNodeProperties = @{

Email_To = $EmailTo;

Email_CC = $EmailCC;

PatchGroup = $PatchGroupProd3;

Environment = $Environment;

SA_Description = $Description;

Site = $Site;


Write-Host $ServerName

Write-Host $ServerIP

$swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname $Hostname

New-OrionNode -SwisConnection $swis -ObjectSubType $SNMPVersion -Community $CommunityString  -IPAddress $ServerIP -engineid "1"

#New-OrionNode -SwisConnection $swis

$URI = (get-orionnode -IPAddress $ServerIP -SwisConnection $swis).URi

Write-Host $URI

Set-SwisObject -Uri $URI -Properties @{ Caption = $ServerName  } -SwisConnection $swis

Set-SwisObject $swis $URI/CustomProperties -Properties $SWNodeProperties

  • Hi chrisagardner63

    I fixed a couple of bugs, can you download the latest version of the .psm1 and .psd1 from github, and replace those files on you disk and unload & reload the module.

    OrionSDK/Samples/PowerShell/PowerOrion at master · solarwinds/OrionSDK · GitHub

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to micheal100

    Hi Micheal -

    I downloaded the files and did as you requested, Removed and Imported the PowerOrion Module.  I am no longer getting the Swis-Connection errors, but now I am getting errors concerning get-orionnode or maybe my syntax is not correct?

    Get-help get-orionnode shows to use the -IPAddress switch which I am using and it appears that the error is stating that it is not correct?  I use the server IP Address to create the node.

    If I used the Node ID, I can see the properties of Node (its a windows server), but I need to use the IP Address.

    I pulled the following out of my script above to test with and I get the error using the -IPAddress switch,

    #SWIS Connection

      $Hostname = ""

      $swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname $Hostname

      $ServerIP = ""

      Write-Host $ServerIP

      #$URI = (get-orionnode -IPAddress $ServerIP -SwisConnection $swis).URi'

      get-orionnode -IP $ServerIP -SwisConnection $swis

       #Just tested with NodeID to make sure connection works and Node properties are available.

      #get-orionnode -NodeID 2237 -SwisConnection $swis

    The error is:

    Get-SwisObject : Input string was not in a correct format.

    At C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PowerOrion\PowerOrion.psm1:564 char:18

    +     $nodeProps = Get-SwisObject $SwisConnection -Uri $uri

    +                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Get-SwisObject], FaultException`1

        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SwisError,SwisPowerShell.GetSwisObject

    Set-SwisObject : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Uri' because it is null.

    At C:\temp\PSStudio2016\TestSW.ps1:48 char:44

    +     Set-SwisObject -SwisConnection $swis -Uri $URI -Properties @{ Cap ...

    +                                               ~~~~

        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Set-SwisObject], ParameterBindingValidationException

        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,SwisPowerShell.SetSwisObject

    Set-SwisObject : Invalid SWIS uri at character 17: Incomplete uri. Parser did not finish in End state, but instead was

    left in Scheme state

    Parameter name: uri

    At C:\temp\PSStudio2016\TestSW.ps1:51 char:2

    +     Set-SwisObject -SwisConnection $swis $URI/CustomProperties -Prope ...

    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Wanted to update you, I could not get Get-OrionNode to work for me.  I rewrote that part of my script as below.  Its works as I expected it to.

    Not sure if I am just not understanding Get-OrionNode or not.

    I appreciate your work on PowerOrion, I am using this as part of a PowerShell GUI for my Junior Admins to ensure that servers get added to SolarWinds properly along with entering all of the necessary Custom Properties.

    ##SolarWinds Create Node

      New-OrionNode -SwisConnection $swis -ObjectSubType $SNMPVersion -Community $CommunityString -IPAddress $ServerIP -engineid "1"

      ##SolarWinds Get Server URI

      $NodeInfo = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT NodeID, IPAddress, Sysname FROM Orion.Nodes where IPAddress = '$ServerIP'"

      $NodeID = $NodeInfo.NodeID

      Write-Host $NodeID

      $URI = "swis://./Orion/Orion.Nodes/NodeID=$NodeId"

      Write-Host $URI

      ##SolarWinds Set Node Caption

      Set-SwisObject -Uri $URI -Properties @{ Caption = $ServerName } -SwisConnection $swis

      ##SolarWinds Set Node Custom Properties

      Set-SwisObject -SwisConnection $swis $URI/CustomProperties -Properties $SWNodeProperties

  • Thanks chrisagardner63​.

    I'm currently looking at options on making this module a lot more robust, I'll definitely dig in to this in more detail when I get a bit of time. I really appreciate the feedback, let me know if you hit any more hurdles, once I get this updated I'll reply back, just in case you can test the other changes.

  • Hi Chris,

    just looking into this, I can't reproduce on my system.

    Can you run the command with -verbose and -debug parameters if possible for more info?

    Also can you run the  following (edit the IP accordingly), just to see if these are working correctly, since this cmdlet gets called by the main one.

    Get-OrionNodeID -all -SwisConnection $swis

    Get-OrionNodeID -IPAddress '' -SwisConnection $swis -verbose -debug

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to micheal100

    Crap!  I was typing Get-OrionNode and NOT Get-OrionNodeID

    It works using the correct command....
