Open for Voting

Javascript hooks for fields

Allowing javascript access to form fields would be incredibly useful. For example:

We have a WHD instance, and our tickets often have a "Project" field.  This value of this field may be of statistical and accounting interest, and should be restricted to valid values.  Unlike a small drop-down list, the list of valid values grows over time as new Projects are added to our custom database.

A typeahead/autocomplete field with a customer-provided data source would make an excellent UI.  WHD would need only provide:

The net result would be a page with these additional items added (for example):

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {


var bloodhound = new Bloodhound({


    datumTokenizer: function(datum) { return datum; },

    queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,

    remote: {

        url: '/ws/projects?filter=%QUERY',

        wildcard: '%QUERY',

        'ajax': {

            beforeSend: function() {



            complete: function() {












    name: 'project-search',

    displayKey: 'code',

    source: bloodhound.ttAdapter(),

    templates: {

        empty: [

            '<div class="empty-message">',

            'Cannot find any projects with that name.',



        suggestion: Handlebars.compile('<div>{{name}}  [{{code}}]</div>')




