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Reporting to grab Asset data values I choose and Software Inventory

I'd like to able to create a Report to grab all the Asset data values I choose and Software Inventory.

The output I'd like to see is similar to what you can get from Assets section, but I'd like to run reports on all systems with any version of Microsoft Office installed, and then output all the fields from the Asset that I choose, like Make, Model, Serial Number, OS, Client, CPU, RAM, HD, Warranty, and then be able to list which version of Office it found in the Installed Software.

I can kind of get this data from Asset data with a custom query, but the problem is Installed Software is not something I can add to the grid view, so I never know which version of office is installed, short of clicking each record and maintaining my own spreadsheet.

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  • You might already be able to do that.  I created that table with the web based report writer.  Having the report only run against only nodes that have Office would require using the SWQL query.  It would like sort of like this:

    SELECT  Nodes.DisplayName, Software.Name, Software.InstallDate, Software.Publisher, Software.Version

        FROM Orion.AssetInventory.Software

        INNER JOIN Orion.Nodes ON Software.NodeID=Nodes.NodeID

        WHERE Software.Publisher like 'Microsoft%'

    You can add/remove other columns to this if you need.  All you would need to do is change the select portion of the query.  Try using that as a starting point.  You could also try the template that aLTeReGo made a few years back.  Here's that link Software Inventory by Node.  Hopefully that helps.

  • This is for Web Help Desk.  I don't have Orion.  I believe the web report writer is only something for Orion correct?

  • I am not sure about Web Help Desk.  Running the SQL query to make the report or you might try an API call, one of those would likely your best bet. Would you be able to provide the table structure?  I looked on the web, but I wasn't able to find one.