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Report Details: 1st Response Time based on Ticket Creation date, not Open Date

Currently, the Open Date on a ticket is set to when a client user starts the ticket (e.g., starts typing the ticket).  Then, when the client clicks the Save button, the Last Updated and the Creation Date values are set to the time of the save event.  The tech who responds to the ticket can enter a note no earlier than the creation date.  When a report is run to show 1st Response or Average 1st Response time, the Open Ticket date  is used.   Therefore the time that it takes the Client to type the ticket is included in the metrics for the tech.  I suggest having an option for tickets so that the administrator can decide which field (Open or Creation Date) to use when calculating the 1st Response Time.

For example, a client may have many details to include in the ticket they are opening.  They open and begin typing at 09:00.  At 09:30 they finally finish entering all of the details and click "Save".   The ticket will then show an Open Date with the 09:00 time, and a Last Updated value with the 09:30 time.  If the support tech replies to the ticket immediately (entering a note to the client), there will show a time of 30 minutes for the first response.  The tech's metrics therefore will be reporting larger response times than what would be fair.

  • Time to first response is a key performance metric for some (many?) organizations, more so than just the total ticket time.

    There should be a way to get this value, and have it calculated, as another commenter noted, with business hours and other relevant 'blackout' periods being taken into account, configurably.

  • I agree that this is a great idea. I also wonder what others have been doing to cope with this missing piece? All I really need is a way of determining average response time to tickets that have been submitted through the self-service interface or submitted via email. The catch is that the average response time should only calculate based on open business hours that I've defined in Setup > General > Time & Place > Business Zones, and also should remove holidays. I don't see a way to specify holidays, so I think this will end up being a manual piece, but this would be easier if it were already calculating based on my Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM setting in Business Zones.

    Maybe there is something that already exists to obtain this information, so any help is appreciated, but I'd also be interested to know how others are coping, or even to know if this is or is not something of interest.

    Thanks for considering!

    - Russ