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Have "Detailed Instructions" appear constantly rather than just upon ticket creation

I have tickets that get emailed into SolarWinds WHD and have a lot of different reminders for different Request Types. If I put in the reminder for certain Request Types, the reminder only appears when the ticket is initially created and that request type is being selected. If the ticket is emailed into the WHD and then you change the Request Type after the fact, the Detailed Instructions will not appear. It would be SUPER helpful if the Detailed Instructions ALWAYS appeared when the associated Requested Type is selected.

I attached the area where you enter the Detailed Instructions in the Settings so you can see what I am talking about

  • Hello,

    Indeed, the Detailed Instructions defined at Request Type level appear only at ticket creation. This is the current design and changing it would be a feature update.

    However, I propose the following workaround based on custom ticket fields and action rules:

    1. Define a Custom Ticket Field of type Text, Visible for Techs and link it to the required request type
    2. Define an Action Rule with criteria based on the required request type and with action set to Modify Ticket, in which the custom ticket field is set to contain the same text from the Detailed Instructions.
    3. [Optional] If you want for the custom ticket field to disappear from a ticket if another request type is selected, go to Setup->Tickets->Options and check option 'Automatically Delete Obsolete Custom Fields'

    This setup will ensure there is a text field with the desired instructions on the ticket, even after creation.


    • the custom field will not be editable for the non-admin Techs if set to Visible, but it will be editable for an admin tech.
    • at creation (so before hitting Save for the first time), the custom field will be empty. the instructions will be populated once the action rule has been run, during Save action.
    • you can make the custom field visible for clients as well, or make it completely hidden
    • this setup would come in addition to using field Detailed Instructions