Open for Voting

Bulk Sending Surveys

Few different ideas here, use cases to follow:

  • Allow adding people to a "list" to send a survey
    • Sometimes we send out surveys not related to a particular training request.  For example, we send out surveys about training that people in our department take.  I'll search for a subset of the users in the client tool, select them, and then send the training follow-up survey.  But, if I scroll from page to page, I lose those who I had previously selected.  So I can only send one page of people at a time.  If we had a "list" of people that I could "add" people too, then I could build my list, and then send my survey.
  • Allow bulk uploading/sending of survey.
    • Similar to above, if we could upload a csv of names/email addresses to send out surveys too, that would be great.  Even if this was limited to their WHD username, that would help solve the first problem above.
  • Allow sending surveys from the ticket screen.
    • So, one of our units sends out a survey every semester to anyone who requested service over the last semester.  They do this instead of sending a survey at the end of the service.  Their survey is also a little broader than the service request, so maybe that is appropriate.  Anyway, if I could convince them to use WHD, it would be great to select all clients that submitted tickets over a time range, and then send them a survey.  But the client page doesn't allow you to search/filter on ticket attributes, and the ticket screen doesn't give this ability to select a bunch of tickets and send a survey.  So either of those features would be welcome.

If any of that is already possible, let me know, because I would love to use it. emoticons_happy.png