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Assign Ticket to Tech Groups - Not Technician

One major feature that is missing from Web Help Desk that appears in the many other tools we've used in the past is the ability to assign a ticket to a queue rather than an individual.

We are a large group that supports multiple agencies and those agencies also have smaller technical teams within them.  We do not always have the capability to speak with an individual at that agency to verify they can handle the ticket if we route it to them.

In all other systems, we could just assign it to that queue, all members of that queue receive an e-mail and one of them resolve the request.

I've spoken to many people regarding this issue and it seems like it never occured to anyone that this might be needed.

  • Not exactly. That leaves the ticket "unassigned," and we want a kind of standard queue that the whole help desk sees and can go in and take ownership of the ticket by reassigning it to themselves. We also have tech schedules set up for auto-assignment, and when none of the techs are "available" when a client opens a ticket, it skips up to the next level and sits there. This causes tickets to be missed. If we can assign to a generic group queue, next to My Tickets and Group Tickets in the toolbar, there could be something called Group Queue or similar so that we have an easy way to see if there are "unassigned" tickets sitting there that have only been assigned to the group as a whole and need to be assigned to a specific tech.

  • If you go to your tech group and choose no auto assignment it does assign to the groups. Is that what you are looking for?

  • At least for our company, this would definitely work better than letting the system auto-assign. We have some techs that are "better" or "more specialized" in some areas than others or have more/less projects on their plate so it would be helpful to have a queue where we could say all client-opened tickets or all tickets of certain request type(s) go, then all the techs can see what's in the queue and assign tickets from there as appropriate.

  • This is a big annoyance that it doesn't do this. I have used other systems that notify the group then the group grabs the tickets. There are several other ideas that are pretty much going with this one. Doesn't seem like this product gets much updating STILL!!!