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Add Serial & Asset Number PO asset fields in the Import POs tool

It would be great to create serial number and asset number fields in the Import purchase order tool to populate the built-in fields within assets.

  • Agreed. It’s completely dumb that I can’t use the assets imports CSV to automatically create a PO, instead of like it is now:

    1. import the assets using the PO import CSV feature (sometimes you even have to manually create a PO before you can even use the import feature)
    2. import the assets again using the Asset import CSV feature

    It’s clear these parts of the application were designed once or over time and no developer has gone back to make the product and these features cohesive.

    Recently I’ve been asked by management to explore other products because I’m losing at my efforts to sell the clunky odd way Web Help Desk works, to those who use it.  

    The department craves something better and we’ve been using it for several years suffering through, but I think the wave is turning towards wanting something that works generally better.

    Too bad Solar Winds couldn’t have just dedicated developers whom were interested in good design - the product has just withered on the vine and it’s been painful. 

    The PO Import feature is painful. It shouldn’t be.  It’s not even complicated. 

  • Or, since the fields are present in the "asset_import_template.csv" file, be able to import the PO information in the import of Assets, and not be required to create 2 import files (one of Assets, one for PO).