
SAML Support

There has been a request for this on a few products going back years with NPM (, there has been no formal request for SAM until now.

While there are a couple of IdP (Identity Provider) options available(ADFS, Shibboleth, PingFederate, Google, Azure, ect) out there they all follow the same integration standard ( This type of functionality is becoming a product feature requirement for larger organizations and for some is a non-starter if not present.

Benefits to please organization Security Officers.

1) Significant reduction of login credentials  directly exposed to the application

2) As a side-product of moving the authentication over to the IdP, there would be instant multi-vendor MFA support

3) Meets newer organizational security compliance requirements

Additionally, as most competitors in the space do not have support currently....there would be a new competitive advantage which could help drive future sales. Some commercial entities write their own SP (Service Provider) implementation, others skin an implementation of SimpleSAML/Shibboleth, while others just create the auth redirect hooks with some detailed documentation for customers to use their own SP implementation.

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