Open for Voting

Allow Hardware and OS to be Polled separately

The Issue:

Dell does not have the ability to pull PERC details via WMI, so we have to monitor the physical servers via SNMP; then we are not able to pull all the Volume Details (Disk Queue Length, Avg. Disk sec/Transfer, and Total Disk IOPS) for the Windows Servers.


Allow the Hardware and OS to be polled separately and different methods.


  • Still open for voting, still something we could use!

  • Powershell 5.1 on the pollers is the first step it got done.  This is not needed for the template but mostly for the ease of adding the PowerShell module.  it was hard up to and including PowerShell 4

    Installing the SNMP walker module is in the link above on both pollers.

    Add the template into the SAM Application section

    I had to change the SNMP community settings by editing the two objects in the template

    Then I attached it to nodes.

    It's just another PowerShell application template that does SNMP walking.

  • This is going to sound silly or basic, but I am an app admin not familiar with the internal workings of my sysadmins equipment, and they are swamped.

    What snmp do I point at and where is it configured?

    Get Outlook for Android

  • Hi Folks.  This frustrated me for a long time.  After searching and testing i found this (Dell Server - Storage Hardware Health v1.2 ) was an easy fix.  It works well.  I got WMF 5.1 installed on my Solarwinds Pollers, Added the Proxx.SNMP module. and then the template. I assigned it to a few test notdes and it worked well. We will be cnverting Host from SNMP to WMI and adding this Application Template.

  • Bumping this up.

    I just discovered that this is an issue for us. we don't have many physical servers left, and will be using SRM to monitor our SANs... But to not know the health of our disks is disappointing. ESPECIALLY as we just installed Solarwinds on physical Dell servers!