New Machine Learning Capabilities - Configuration Item (CI) Suggestions

New AI capabilities - with a new look and feel!

Our AI Engine interface has been updated throughout the platform and portal. Now with a crisp new look, it will continue to suggest relevant solutions, categories and related incidents to agents. These suggestions help automate the service delivery process, increase productivity and enhance user experience. In addition, starting today, our AI Engine will suggest relevant Configuration Items (CIs). 


New suggestion type available for agents - “Configuration Items”

This new capability provides the agent with more information and visibility into the configuration item(s) related to the ticket they are processing. It eliminates the need to ask employees for additional details and enables the agent to find the relevant item quickly and attach it to the ticket with a single click. The system will suggest configuration items owned by or used by the requester of the incident. If an object has both attributes - “User” and “Owner”, the app will refer to the “User”.


config item suggestion.png

Figure 1: Configuration Items (CIs) suggestions


UI updates on the agent side


Figure 2: Suggestions bar


View all.png

Figure 3: View All window



Figure 4: Related items




Figure 5: Incident category


Portal UI updates


Portal search.png

Figure 6: AI Engine suggestions - Portal  

  • The introduction of new machine learning capabilities is undoubtedly an exciting development in the world of custom software and mobile app development. Machine learning has the power to transform how software and apps function, making them smarter, more intuitive, and capable of offering personalized experiences. Companies like often stay at the forefront of integrating machine learning into their software and apps. These capabilities can enhance a wide range of applications, from predictive analytics to natural language processing, and open up new possibilities for businesses and users alike.

Thwack - Symbolize TM, R, and C