
Closing as this relates to Storage Manager (STM) which has gone EOL and is no longer supported or developed.

Add capability to show active Reports (and stop them if required)

Please add the capability to show active reports (eg: reports run via "Report Schedules") and included a log for tracking (verifying) the start time and duration of reports.

Please also add the option to terminate any active reports (eg: a "Stop" button per report in the list of active reports).

This will help in diagnosing the feasibility and impact of running certain reports (eg: too complex, breaks monitoring, etc...), and scheduling them so they do not overlap. It will also provide a graceful method to stop reports that run too long and impact STM (eg: table locking, collectors stall, other users cannot view STM pages, etc...).

The current method of watching CPU, STM processes and MySQL locking via "top", "mytop", end related command-line tools is an inelegant work-around, and also does not provide insight into which reports are still running and how long they ran.

Restarting STM in order to stop a run-away report is also not an optimal method for stopping those reports.