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Enable the use of Smart Cards with SSO in SEM

SolarWinds SEM is being adopted by some orgs within DoD (including mine), but does not currently support the use of smart cards with regular logon or single-sign on. The ability for a SIEM solution to accept DoD PKI is required under DoD security guidelines, and would improve the ability of DoD orgs to adopt and implement SEM. 

  • I am having an issue where I am getting a prompt from SEM web gui to provide my credentials. I provide credentials (we use both tokens and passwords).  It does not fail unless I close the prompt. LDAP works fine.

    I have a CA that I signed the ssl Certificate with.  The SEM name is sem.domain (This is an offline domain). The sem console has the correct domain and IP configurations.

    I was successful in creating a keytab with the following:

    \ktpass.exe -princ HTTP/sem.domain -pass *** -mapuser domain\sem -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL -crypto ALL -Out c:\Keytab\sem.keytab

    I also tried to change it to AES256 since the DISA STIG requires atleast AES128.  But I still get the issue.

    I transported the keytab via the domain sysvol share to the SEM server.

    The watchlog (Manager menu in CMC console)  shows that there is a Kerberos checksum issue before I even select an account to log in with at the prompt.