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Virtual & Physical memory

If this has been requested before, apologies.

This has bugged me for a while as I could never (within our environment at least) see the specific benefit of being able to monitor, as a volume, physical & virtual memory. Especially as memory gets covered under CPU & Memory when selecting what resources require monitoring.

I'm curious whether something along the below lines could be implemented (& to also to have some option to default these (memory volumes) to be not selected, or have the default as not selected when adding a device) ?

Actually, now I think about it, on devices where there is a disc drive, perhaps this could be defaulted as 'not selected' as well ?

I'm certain that there is a solid 'use case' scenario for having these defaulted to be monitored, but my reality is that it's a minor pain to have to review certain devices (perhaps that my less well informed colleagues have added) & amend these settings.

Partly, this is due to my aim to have a series of 'catch all' alerts/monitors in place that will dynamically pick up against any new devices added without too much manual overhead (& so that nothing get's missed).

An example would be that someone add's a node, includes Virtual/Physical memory as a resource & then over a weekend period, the disk alerting that is in place picks up on (what it sees as) a Critical threshold... I suppose I could incorporate a rule into the alerting criteria that discounts these, but then I'm still monitoring things that, IMO, don't necessarily warrant it.

Anyways... this is just a request, if anyone has some further thoughts/feedback, I'm always open to that.
