SSL Certificate Expiration - SNI capable

SSL Certificate Expiration - SNI capable

For those that deploy SNI when hosting websites you've probably discovered that monitoring the SSL certificate expiration only shows the first certificate in the list.

This check was designed to match the certificate Common Name (CN).

I created an external node for


The powershell scripts pulls the node name and returns the number of days until it expires. It also prints more details in the Statistic Message.

UPDATED: Inluded the Certification Authority into the statistic message detail.


I also created this SSL report that can be imported.

SSL Certificate Expiration - SNI Capable Report.xml

*Updated - 1/25/2016 - Fix bug when no CA was present in the certificate.

*Updated - 3/21/2018 - Updated script significantly to allow for TLS 1.2 only connections. Thanks for the assist sstark85​!

  • Hello Chad,

    Thank you for quick reply. Did the same as instructed and the template got added in SAM.emoticons_happy.png

    When I am testing with SSL - SNI template it gives below message.emoticons_sad.png

    Get Output Failed:

    Output: ==============================================
    Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "No such host is known"
    Message : Error occurred connecting to , Code: Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "No such host is known".exception.innerexception.message
    Statistic : 0

    As this SSL URL have multiple certificate. But when tested in Nagios Monitoring it showed the exact result

  • Hello Chad,

    Thank you for quick reply. Did the same as instructed and the template got added in SAM.emoticons_happy.png

    When I am testing with SSL - SNI template it gives below message.emoticons_sad.png

    Get Output Failed:

    Output: ==============================================
    Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "No such host is known"
    Message : Error occurred connecting to , Code: Exception calling ".ctor" with "2" argument(s): "No such host is known".exception.innerexception.message
    Statistic : 0

    As this SSL URL have multiple certificate. But when tested in Nagios Monitoring it showed the exact result

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