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Power shell to add node to SAM

here is the script I am running...

# This sample script shows how to use the Orion Discovery API to discover and import one node using WMI credentials.

# Load SwisPowerShell
Import-Module SwisPowerShell

# Swis connection info
$OrionServer = "localhost"
$Username = "#######"
$Password = "############################"

# Discovery parameters
$ip = ""
$wmiCredentialsName = '#################'
$engindId = 1
$DeleteProfileAfterDiscoveryCompletes = "true"

$swis = Connect-Swis $OrionServer -UserName $Username -Password $Password

# Get the ID of the named WMI credential
$wmiCredentialsId= Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT ID FROM Orion.Credential WHERE Name=@name" @{name = $wmiCredentialsName}

$CorePluginConfigurationContext = ([xml]"
<CorePluginConfigurationContext xmlns='' xmlns:i=''>

$CorePluginConfiguration = Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.Discovery CreateCorePluginConfiguration @($CorePluginConfigurationContext)

$StartDiscoveryContext = ([xml]"
<StartDiscoveryContext xmlns='' xmlns:i=''>
<Name>Script Discovery $([DateTime]::Now)</Name>

$DiscoveryProfileID = (Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.Discovery StartDiscovery @($StartDiscoveryContext)).InnerText

Write-Host -NoNewline "Discovery profile #$DiscoveryProfileID running..."

# Wait until the discovery completes
do {
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$Status = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT Status FROM Orion.DiscoveryProfiles WHERE ProfileID = @profileId" @{profileId = $DiscoveryProfileID}
} while ($Status -eq 1)

# If $DeleteProfileAfterDiscoveryCompletes is true, then the profile will be gone at this point, but we can still get the result from Orion.DiscoveryLogs

$Result = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT Result, ResultDescription, ErrorMessage, BatchID FROM Orion.DiscoveryLogs WHERE ProfileID = @profileId" @{profileId = $DiscoveryProfileID}

# Print the outcome
switch ($Result.Result) {
0 {"Unknown"}
1 {"InProgress"}
2 {"Finished"}
3 {"Error"}
4 {"NotScheduled"}
5 {"Scheduled"}
6 {"NotCompleted"}
7 {"Canceling"}
8 {"ReadyForImport"}

if ($Result.Result -eq 2) { # if discovery completed successfully
# Find out what objects were discovered
$Discovered = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT EntityType, DisplayName, NetObjectID FROM Orion.DiscoveryLogItems WHERE BatchID = @batchId" @{batchId = $Result.BatchID}
"$($Discovered.Count) items imported."

I am getting the below errors.

Invoke-SwisVerb : Verb Orion.Discovery.CreateCorePluginConfiguration cannot unpackage parameter 0 of type
At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\add node .ps1:40 char:28
+ ... iguration = Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.Discovery CreateCorePluginCon ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-SwisVerb], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : SwisError,SwisPowerShell.InvokeSwisVerb
Invoke-SwisVerb : ProvideFault failed, check fault information.
At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\add node .ps1:67 char:24
+ ... rofileID = (Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.Discovery StartDiscovery @($S ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-SwisVerb], FaultException`1
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : SwisError,SwisPowerShell.InvokeSwisVerb

This was a script off of GitHub, you would think it should work.....  Actually you would think SolarWinds themselves would have this script...

  • Hi VCF4theWIN,

    The  $CorePluginConfigurationContext XML looks okay, so I would check if the Credential ID is being properly resolved.
    Is $wmiCredentialsId being correctly assigned a value?


  • I fixed it with a new script....

    # This sample script demonstrates how to add a new node using CRUD operations and add WMI Polling.
    # Please update the hostname and credential setup to match your configuration, and
    # information about the node you would like to add for monitoring.

    # Load SwisPowerShell
    Import-Module SwisPowerShell


    function AddPoller($PollerType) {
    $poller["PollerType"] = $PollerType
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # Connect to SWIS with default admin credentials

    # change the username and password HERE!!!!!!!!!
    $swis = Connect-Swis -host $target -UserName admin -Password "CHANGE THIS!!!"

    #Change the IP address you want to add

    $ip = ""
    $credentialName = "SA_ INVENTORY" # Enter here the name under which the WMI credentials are stored. You can find it in the "Manage Windows Credentials" section of the Orion website (Settings)

    # Node properties
    $newNodeProps = @{
    IPAddress = $ip
    EngineID = 1
    ObjectSubType = "WMI"

    DNS = "test"
    SysName = "test"

    #Creating the node
    $newNodeUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Nodes" -Properties $newNodeProps
    $nodeProps = Get-SwisObject $swis -Uri $newNodeUri

    #Getting the Credential ID
    $credentialId = Get-SwisData $swis "SELECT ID FROM Orion.Credential where Name = '$credentialName'"
    if (!$credentialId) {
    Throw "Can't find the Credential with the provided Credential name '$credentialName'."

    #Adding NodeSettings
    $nodeSettings = @{
    NodeID = $nodeProps["NodeID"]
    SettingName = "WMICredential"
    SettingValue = ($credentialId.ToString())

    #Creating node settings
    $newNodeSettings = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.NodeSettings" -Properties $nodeSettings

    # register specific pollers for the node
    $poller = @{
    NetObject = "N:" + $nodeProps["NodeID"]
    NetObjectType = "N"
    NetObjectID = $nodeProps["NodeID"]

    #region Add Pollers for Status (Up/Down), Response Time, Details, Uptime, CPU, & Memory
    # Status
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # Response time
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # Details
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # Uptime
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # CPU
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller

    # Memory
    $pollerUri = New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType "Orion.Pollers" -Properties $poller
    #endregion Add Pollers for Status (Up/Down), Response Time, Details, Uptime, CPU, & Memory