DPA 11.0: CLOUD Databases with a side of Availability Groups, Adaptive Plans and Storage

If you are in the cloud or heading there, I'm excited to tell you Database Performance Analyzer 11.0 has your databases covered.  DPA already monitors databases on cloud VMs and Amazon RDS, but now we've got each vendors database DBaaS offerings as well.  Also, the updated DPA Integration Module (DPAIM) shows these new databases in Orion, and add SRM integration as well.  Here are some of the great features in DPA/DPAIM 11.0 RC:

  • Azure SQL Database... and in Orion too!
  • Amazon RDS Aurora support
  • SQL Server Availability Groups
  • Oracle Adaptive Plans
  • SRM Integration
  • GUI Improvements
  • Updated wait type descriptions

Monitor Azure SQL Databases

Microsoft did an awesome job creating a DBaaS option in Azure using SQL Server technology, and now we can analyze the database just like we do SQL Server, with database cloud metrics too!

Moving databases Azure SQL DB is measured and priced by by DTU's (Database Transaction Unit).  The more CPU, Memory or IO your SQL DB needs, the more money you pay.  In addition to our measuring the Wait Time, DPA captures DTU size and utilization, and captures CPU, Memory and IO in terms of percent utilization of the DTU, making it easy to see which resource is driving your DTU consumption.


So if you're bumping up your DTU limit, before you move up to the next DTU tier and increase you OPEX, try tuning some queries, eliminating blocking or adding some indexes.

And you can use Azure SQL DB as your DPA repository too.

Azure SQL Database in Orion too!

Oh, did I mention this would show up in Orion too!  If you have the DPA Integration Module (DPAIM) installed and configured, as soon as you add Azure SQL to DPA, you'll see your Azure Databases Orion as well.

Now you can map your DBaaS to your applications running on Azure VMs to fully support Hyrbrid-IT end-to-end single pane of glass!!!


Monitor Amazon Aurora

Aurora is Amazon's database that is MySQL compatible is now fully supported by DPA, to round out support for Amazon's database offerings.


Support for SQL Server Availability Groups

Availability Groups are one of the most popular features of SQL server these days, and DPA can now show you health and status of the availability groups and their member replicas and  databases.  You can configure DPA two ways:

  • Monitor via the listener - DPA will follow the primary replica from server to server.
  • Monitor each instance in the cluster

Either way, you'll see the same data for the primary server - the status of all availability groups for that server.


And if you drill down on an individual availability groups, you can see the status of all the replicas and databases.


When an instance is not the primary replica, you can still see the status of the itself in the availability group, but not the overall AG health or health of other replicas.

So now, when you see HADR wait types increasing, you can drill in and see the health and status of your availability groups

See Oracle Predicates and Adaptive Plans

For all Oracle users, we've added structure to our plan view and made it easy to filter out noise by hiding/showing the predicates.  Oracle 12c instances get the added bonus of seeing how Oracle is adapting plans for their queries.  And you can download the plan in easy to use and share text version, complete with link back to the plan view.


Storage Resource Monitor Integration

If you are a DBA and need to take a deeper dive into your storage array, you can now monitor your arrays with SRM and build relationships to the databases you are monitoring with DPA.  Once built, you can see capacity utilization and performance of the LUNs connected to your databases, including where you are at risk at to run out of a storage or performance capacity.



And a lot more!

In every release, we do a lot more than we can include here, but here are a couple more features worth mentioning:

  • GUI Improvements - Streamlined home page and filters, pages require less scrolling, simplified flow to Advisors and Historical Charts.
  • Updated Expert Advice - the expert advice for the most common Wait Type descriptions were expanded and improved... and to compliment the new Availability Group feature, we updated the HADR wait types as well.
  • Simplified Help - we unified our help into a single "Learn More" button and began adding and updating content, especially training around wait time analysis to help new users... more to come.
  • To see more, check out the release notes.

So, what are you waiting for? Log into the Customer Portal and download DPA 11.0. If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to post them in the Database Performance Analyzer RC group as well.

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