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Turning off Stack Monitoring - Minor help improvement

When configuring a new stackable (but not stacked) switch I came across this message that correctly identified the state of the switch.

(found on the Stack Tab)

The problem is that the Learn more link takes you to a Stack Members page.  No where in that documentation does it talk about enabling/disabling Stack monitoring.

IMHO, the link should lead to a page that gives advice (with pics and an explanation) about removing Stack polling utilizing the "Manage Pollers" page under the "THRESHOLDS & POLLING" section of the "All Settings" menu.  (unless there is a better way to do it)

  • I can't believe I had the same issue with the link taking me to a place that didn't help at all.  For anyone else that runs into this try the following.

    Settings - All Settings - Node & Group Management - Manage Pollers - Local Poller Library - SolarWinds Native Poller - select Switch Stack - click Assign - group Vendor - select Cisco (or your Vendor) - turn off Poller Status

  • I have learned that in our environment, there are a number of stackable switches that are not actually stacked.  We learned this the hard way when a stack alert went off for a switch with no stack members.  On those switches, I found the message that phillipscc​ displayed.  Right now, my trouble is finding those switches in the system and preventing false stack alerts. 

    It would be nice when adding switches either manually or by discovery that we have the ability to see if there even are stack members and possibly shutting this off if there are not at the time the node is added.