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Please fix "View Limitations" on multi-module Orion installations

Dear Team,

It has been an issue for a while now - the filtration of all widgets when using View Limitations needs some fixing.

When I am using NPM, SAM, WPM and other modules, View Limitations (on the view as well as account level) is not working as expected.

If I limit the view using Network Devices (most common), I can still see alerts for Netpath, Network Discovery, WPM, SRM and other modules (even if a network device has nothing to do with web transactions, arrays etc).

In the Event widgets, I see audit and other events completely not related to my device limitation. I can also see Groups, but they are empty. This is very confusing for my customers and I need to do many workarounds, such as limitations per widget, which can be time consuming and not all widgets support it.

You can see an example below.


Kind regards,


  • Agree!
    Limitations only affects "nodeid's" and other things not related to a nodeid is shown. Should be the other way. If something is NOT allowed by the limitation is should NOT be seen.

  • Thanks  for your input, I appreciate it.
    Yes, I found the same with VMAN and I agree that it looks to show all objects without Node ID, good point.

    I think that "View Limitation" should be expanded with more options for other modules and functionalities. That would resolve all mentioned issues.

    In my attached example, when I save limitation to a network device (centos7-71), I can even see events from Netpath for another device (WIN-SW-INDAGO). This is from the same NPM module, so something is not right 

  • The same thing happens when you have VMAN installed. You can limit the view to a node (or other limitation) and if you are displaying an Alert widget then you will see all of the VMAN alerts.

    I think it is due to the way the filtering works - if you are filtering off a node, the VMAN objects don't have Node IDs and rather than only including the objects that match your filter and have Node IDs, it shows the objects that match the filter AND all the objects that don't have Node IDs (VMs, hosts, datastores, etc for VMAN, storage objects for SRM, WPM transactions, groups, etc). That's why the events widget shows everything else.

    Similar to you, my workaround has been to create custom queries and tables or limitations per widget, and as you have found out not all widgets support custom filters.