
Closed due to inactivity. Received 18 votes with last vote on 21 Aug 2019.

More formal feature request process

So this doesn't really just fit NPM but rather all of the modules.  I would like to see a more formal process for submitting feature requests.  As it stands right now, request sometimes appear to just sit in a black hole with no response from Solarwinds.  I'd like to see something that is similar to the support ticket system whereby users actually submit something and actually get some kind of feedback.

  • Since SW may not be able to communicate back... maybe a standard 1 extra thing (in a drop down selector) that SW has chosen to group on?  Like a specific piece of the sub-product that can be broken down into e.g. "alert management" or "Alert manager" or "Maps"?  Something that would be beneficial for the SW team (like the current feature requests being grouped "by product").  If I had a feature request (or just found something annoying) I could search for the product and then the sub-product and get a short list of what exists so I don't create an almost duplicate request. The tag feature is useful but since it's free text it's probably more useful for just searching for similar requests.

  • I like the recursive Feature Request. emoticons_happy.png

    In all seriousness, SolarWinds PMs review the Thwack FRs/voting/feedback on virtually a daily basis. Whether we are able to act on them immediately is a matter of prioritization and how it fits with other things we may be working on. If you submit a FR via our support team, it too goes into an internal tracking system and is reviewed regularly by a jury of PM/Dev/Support/Sales. At the risk of incurring the wrath of our finance and legal teams, we're pretty restricted on what we can communicate in terms of progress on individual points. Our "What we're Working On" posts on Thwack are the most authoritative source of status. Denny goes into the rationale for this here: Fear and Loathing of Roadmaps: Why your PM won’t give you a date

  • I would like something in between. I like to see what others are requesting, but also would appreciate feedback and confirmation from SW people.