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Feature request - Email trigger for alert acknowledgement.

Since I cannot reply to the original post from '07...

I'd really like to be able to have the alert system trigger an email when an alert gets acknowledged. My understanding is that it would be fairly easy to implement. Are there any plans to do so, and if not, why not, and if so, when?

  • Have to bump this - the workaround of setting up additional alerts to fire off based on auditing events is clunky (and I'm struggling to accurately pull the right variables - the queries I have return the right values, but the POST to OpsGenie doesn't work). Being able to treat alert acknowledgment the same as creation or reset would be a HUGE win imo.

  • This feature would be great for acknowledging IP Requester in IPAM via an email.

  • It's possible to get the name or ID of the Solarwinds node into OpsGenie. Usually I do this by having the original alert put the name of the node into the subject of the alert (e.g. "Application SQL Server on is Down"). Later, when someone acknowledges the alert, the node name is already in the OpsGenie alert. Any emails/texts/phone calls generated by OpsGenie can use the OpsGenie alert subject.

    Can you give me a bit more detail about what you're trying to do? There is enough information in the Auditing Event that you can find the related node. However, you have to know what kind of object triggered the alert and you have to know how that object is related to its node or nodes.

    For example, say that an application triggers an alert. The "Alert acknowledged" event contains the Auditing Event ID (in our example, the audit event ID is 533704). You can use this query to get the ID of the application that triggered the alert:

    SELECT right(ArgsValue, len(ArgsValue)-charindex(':',ArgsValue))  
    FROM AuditingArguments  
    where ArgsKey='NetObject'
    AND AuditEventID='533704'

    Now that you know the Application ID (in this case it's 2481), you can use it to get the Node ID:

    select NodeID
    from APM_Application
    where ID='2481'

    and then the Node name (our Node ID is 6194):

    select Caption
    from Nodes
    where NodeID='6194'

    You can chain these together to get the Node name from the Auditing event ID in the Auditing Event alert:

    select Caption
    from Nodes
    where NodeID=(
      select NodeID
      from APM_Application
      where ID=(
        SELECT right(ArgsValue, len(ArgsValue)-charindex(':',ArgsValue)) 
        FROM AuditingArguments 
        where ArgsKey='NetObject' 
        AND AuditEventID='${N=SwisEntity;M=AuditEventID}'
  • Were you able to get the original node information to carry over to the "Acknowledgement Email"?  I am able to replicate what you have done with getting an acknowledgement email, but in our environment we have a lot of teams, and need to be able to identify the node that was ack'd.  Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks!

  • It needs to be for more then just an email. This should work just like the 'trigger actions' and 'reset actions' where you can specify any type of available action when you acknowledge an alert.