
Closed due to inactivity. Received 7 votes with last vote on 12 Dec 2012.

Customer Portal: Additional Poller Download Needs to be Simplified

Not really a place to put this request as it really is more customer portal related so I posted it here figuring it was as good as any.

So I have a change in to upgrade to NPM 10.3.1 early next week.  So I go to download NPM and my additional poller.  The additional poller download is 1.7GB.  So it get's downloaded and I extract it.  The NPM portion is only about 300 MB.  Why do we have to download the entire package every time there is an upgrade when we may only be installing one minute portion?  Once it's extracted you only have to run the modules in your environment.

What if I was just an NPM user?  Why am I wasting my time and bandwidth downloading SEUM/IPAM/NCM/UDT/VNQM/SAM? Each one is extracted individually so why not offer a zip as is today for a user wanting the whole package but also offer the individual packages.  I have brought this up in the past during a UX test I did on the portal but it hasn't changed.  As SolarWinds continues to develop more modules this is going to continue to grow.

The other issue is that from the release notes in the Customer Portal for this download there is no clear cut indication of what versions of each module you are downloading.  You can't tell until you extract the packages as shown below and see the actual version numbering.  I point this out because recently I downloaded IPAM 3.0 the morning it was released but the additional poller still had the old version (it was updated very quickly after I contacted support but I had to wait and re-download again)

additional poller.png