Cisco speed/duplex counters (For SQL report).

Checks OLD-CISCO-INTERFACES-MIB:locIfInCRC and dot3StatsDuplexStatus

This checks the Cisco CRC counters and the duplex status object.

This allows us to use a crafty SQL report to automatically discover speed/duplex mismatches.

Used with the following SQL Query report found at

SELECT Interfaces.InterfaceIcon, Interfaces.OperStatusLED, Nodes.NodeID, Interfaces.FullName, CustomPollerAssignment.InterfaceID,Replace(Replace(Replace(RawStatus,'3','Full Duplex (3)'), '2', 'Half Duplex (2)'),'1','Unknown/Shutdown (1)') AS RawStatus, Interfaces.InterfaceSpeed, Interfaces.InErrorsToday, Interfaces.OutErrorsToday FROM CustomPollerAssignment
JOIN CustomPollers
ON CustomPollers.CustomPollerID = CustomPollerAssignment.CustomPollerID
JOIN CustomPollerStatus
ON CustomPollerStatus.CustomPollerAssignmentID = CustomPollerAssignment.CustomPollerAssignmentID
JOIN Nodes
ON CustomPollerAssignment.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID
JOIN Interfaces
ON  CustomPollerAssignment.InterfaceID = Interfaces.InterfaceID
WHERE CustomPollers.OID = '' AND RawStatus != 1 AND Interfaces.OperStatus = 1 AND (Interfaces.InErrorsToday > 10 OR Interfaces.OutErrorsToday > 10)