Cat 6500/4000 Inventory (Includes Slot, serial, model and firmware version)

I created this to help us inventory the blades on our 6500's, I also found that it works against Cat 4K's but so far not on our 4500's or routers.

There are four items that are queried:

Slot #, Serial #, Model #, Firmware Version.

I only displayed the Slot Poller on the Node details page but included all of the other pollers in that table (click edit in the moduleIndex table on the node details page)


Select tabular Universal Device Pollers for display

X     moduleIndex
X     moduleModel
X    moduleSerialNumberString
X     moduleSwVersion

Select Rows to display
X     All
Module Slot #1
Module Slot #2
Module Slot #3
Module Slot #5
  • So have you been able to pull this into a report that shows the Node Name, etc, etc and also the associated modules?

    for BOTH, Module model and Serial # ?

  • I have not seen one, but will keep an eye out.

  • Does anyone know if there is an OID to show the End of Life (EOL) for each module within the chassis?

  • I got the following from :   (And these are for tabular display, as your can put a .1 .2 .3 , etc. to get a specific Chassis Slot) = moduleModel = moduleSwVersion  = moduleSerialNumberString

    But what I do, is go for the Module Status, and Test results (provided a self diagnostics is setup to run, or ran prior)

    Use these; = Module status (table of course, add another .1 .2 .3 for each chassis slot) = Module Test results (diagnostics test will change this value FROM 0, if there is any issue with the mod, same for specific slot add .1.2.3 etc at the end) = Module standby Status; these i make specific to a slot, and use this for tracking DUAL SUP Switches.

       * normally on slot 5 and six, so 2 pollers =  & and then create an alert for when these values change or go rogue = is Module Action... and I plan to use this in the future when i am able to find a way or the right conditions; but you must have a Write String enabled for this to kick in, as you would get specific value and in some cases can change or supply a value for this OID and cause the switch to perform a specific action.

    Hope this helps!