Open for Voting

NCM User Access Control

Our IT Managers across North America (about 150 of them) log into our single Orion management system to view their respective nodes only. Currently they only have Read Only access.  I would love to give them more granular access to be able to manage their individual alerts in Orion/NCM, and manage their own Watchlists in UDT.  All in all, the application needs more granular access control to make the system effective for more users than just the administrator.

On a separate note, it seems ridiculous to me that we set can set users up to NOT be administrators of the system, and under NCM Settings give them only WebDownloader access so they can download their own switch configs....but this doesn't work because the user needs admin access to get into Settings in order to enter their own credentials under Manage User Level Login Credentials (Settings - NCM- Manage User Level...).  What is the point of limiting their access by only allowing them WebDownloader rights, yet they need Admin rights in order to enter their own credentials in Settings.  This needs to be changed so that a restricted user does NOT need to define their own credentials within the system - can't the system simply use the credentials they logged in with as the User Level Credentials?  And if not, then there needs to be somewhere the user can input User Level Credentials without needing Admin access to Settings. I have 150 users of the system who can't use the feature to download their running switch config because i can't give them access to settings to define their own credentials in the system.

Please contact me if you need more detail on these issues.