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Feature Request :- Form auto complete is enabled


On login page, usernames those have been used earlier to access website as shown as suggestions. A security concern was raised to mitigate this.

Though as a work around, i did following changes

Applies to version 7.1.1

In file login.aspx

<label for="username"><%= Resources.CoreWebContent.WEBCODE_AK0_165 %></label><div><asp:TextBox ID="Username" tabindex="1" automation="username" runat="server" /></div>

replace by

<label for="username"><%= Resources.CoreWebContent.WEBCODE_AK0_165 %></label><div><asp:TextBox ID="Username" tabindex="1" automation="username" runat="server" autocomplete="off"/></div>

but pls see if this can be taken up as feature request or a fix in upcoming releases.


Meenakshi Garg