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Compliance Reports in NCM

I would like to request the ability to generate the compliance reports from any configuration range you have on file.  We had an issue where we missed a month for our PCI documentation and were not able to go back to that month on the device configurations, without making those particular configs in every device the baseline.  It would be great to create a compliance report and be able to pick the configuration date you want that report to run against. 

  • gadbekr​ In v7.9 we added a favorite flag that can be applied to any config recent or previous. This flag of, favorite, is a selectable type from the drop down list in the compliance policies.

    On the Configuration Management page you can see there is a column "Suggested Action" and under that is a Set as Favorite.
    Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 1.34.14 PM.png
    In the policy edit window there is an option for the Favorite config to be used.

    Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 1.35.56 PM.png

    When you run a report, if a node does not have a 'favorite' config it will appear all green but the one that does will show the actual status. You can click into the violation as you would normally.

    Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 1.38.41 PM.png

    If you click view config, it will take you directly to the one identified as favorite.

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