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Issue backing up Nexus 5000

Hi all,


I'm implementing Cattools for a client to show the value in it (so they'll buy it).

I can't get it to log into their Nexus 5010 switches (2).

No matter what i do, the authentication ALWAYS fails, however i can log into the switches using putty with the same cred's.

Any ideas? Here are some debug's:

  • Hi chris_R,

    The error you are seeing above however relates to the device login (post establishing the SSH connection) failing because the AAA Username specified is incorrect.  

    I can see you are connecting over SSH to the device from the log above, however can you verify whether only SSH credentials are required when connecting using PuTTY, or are you required to also log into the device itself post the SSH connection?

    If the device does not need local login, then ensure that the 'AAA Username' and 'AAA Password' fields in CatTools for the device setup are cleared of any data (highlight whole field and press Delete).

    If local login is also required, then I'd recommend re-entering the device local login credentials (which may well be different from the SSH credentials) in the 'AAA Username' and 'AAA Password' fields in case the incorrect ones have been entered (or a typo been made).



  • I ran in to this same issue.  In fact, I could backup a Nexus 5000 running version 5.0 but not 5.1.  I was able to resolve it by adding a variation and specifying the username prompt as "Login as:" instead of the default "Login:"

  • Just upgraded from 5.0.3 to n5000-uk9.5.1.3.N2.1.bin and ran into this same problem. (Cattools v3.7.0). The "Login as:" workaround above did the trick.


    • Device Information -> Passwords:
      • SSH Username: <<has one>>
      • SSH Password: <<has one>>
      • SNMP Read Community: <<has one>>
    • Device Information -> Prompts
      • Username prompt: Login as:

    No Variation required.

    Thanks for the tip! Hopefully the additional info below can be used for a fix from Solarwinds.


    ------ Captured Data ------

    Its logging in, gets the Enable prompt, and then tries to do the AAA username and password - even though I don't have them defined AND the checkbox for AAA login is empty.

    <NEWSESSION CatTools 3.7.0 4/2/2012 2:13:52 PM>



    <ACTIVITY TYPE=Report.Version table>

    <ACTIVITY SCRIPT=C:\Program Files (x86)\CatTools3\Scripts\Client.Report.Version table.txt>

    <USERS NAME FOR DEVICE=TEST nexus-switch>

    <C OK 2:13:53 PM><R-2:13:53 PM>Nexus 5000 Switch[10]Last login: Mon Apr  2 21:08:43 2012 from[13][13][10]<W-2:13:53 PM>[13]<R-2:13:53 PM>[13][10]<R-2:13:53 PM>Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software[13][10]TAC support:[13][10]Copyright (c) 2002-2012, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.[13][10]The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are[13][10]owned by other third parties and used and distributed under[13][10]license. Certain components of this software are licensed under[13][10]the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU[13][10]Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each[13][10]such license is available at[13][10] and[13][10][13][10]<R-2:13:53 PM>[13]nexus-switch# [13][13][10][13]nexus-switch#


    WFMDRetVal=1 Waiting for: "Login:"

    WFMDRetVal=2 Waiting for: "Password:"

    WFMDBuffer="[13][10]cisco nexus operating system (nx-os) software[13][10]tac support:[13][10]copyright (c) 2002-2012, cisco systems, inc. all rights reserved.[13][10]the copyrights to certain works contained in this software are[13][10]owned by other third parties and used and distributed under[13][10]license. certain components of this software are licensed under[13][10]the gnu general public license (gpl) version 2.0 or the gnu[13][10]lesser general public license (lgpl) version 2.1. a copy of each[13][10]such license is available at[13][10] and[13][10][13][10][13]nexus-switch# [13][13][10][13]nexus-switch# "


    <W-2:14:23 PM>[13]<R-2:14:23 PM>[13][13][10][13]nexus-switch#


    WFMDRetVal=1 Waiting for: "Login:"

    WFMDRetVal=2 Waiting for: "Password:"

    WFMDBuffer="[13][13][10][13]nexus-switch# "


    <W-2:14:53 PM>[13]<R-2:14:54 PM>[13][13][10][13]nexus-switch#


    WFMDRetVal=1 Waiting for: "Login:"

    WFMDRetVal=2 Waiting for: "Password:"

    WFMDBuffer="[13][13][10][13]nexus-switch# "


  • Having similar problems with 2 Nexus 5596 and CatTools v3.7 - unable to login to devices or take backup. Have tried Login as: and still no luck.. Created new device on the off chance that that there was a typo but still the same. Using SSH2 as protocol with credentials of ssh username + ssh password.

  • If the workaround above isn't working for you, I'd recommend opening a ticket with support so we can get some diagnostics from you to look into the issue in more detail.



  • for Cisco ACE device, I need to back-up the configs under Production#. The cattools by default were able to back-up the running configs from Admin#.

    You can move from Admin# to Production# by typing changeto Production.

    How am I going to let Cattools issue the changeto Production then perform a sho run afterwards?


  • Could you open a new thwack thread for the issue with your Cisco ACE please, as it's non-related to this Nexus thread.



  • I have just installed a Cisco Nexus 5548UP and I have encountered the same issue. I managed to work around this by changing the Device Type from Cisco.NX.OS to Cisco.switch.IOS and this worked fine.

