The Actuator - February 5th

This week's Actuator comes to you from New England where it has been 367 days since our team last appeared in a Super Bowl. I'm still not ready to talk about it, though.

As always, here's a bunch of links I hope you find interesting. Enjoy!

97% of airports showing signs of weak cybersecurity

I would have put the number closer to 99%.

Skimming heist that hit convenience chain may have compromised 30 million cards

Looks like airports aren't the only industry with security issues.

It’s 2020 and we still have a data privacy problem

SPOILER ALERT: We will always have a data privacy problem.

Don’t be fooled: Blockchains are not miracle security solutions

No, you don't need a blockchain.

Google’s tenth messaging service will “unify” Gmail, Drive, Hangouts Chat

Tenth time is the charm, right? I'm certain this one will be the killer messaging app they have been looking for. And there's no way once it gets popular they'll kill it, either.

A Vermont bill would bring emoji license plates to the US

Just like candy corn, here's something else no one wants.

For the game this year I made some pork belly bites in a garlic honey soy sauce.


Thwack - Symbolize TM, R, and C