Geekly World News: November 2020



Hopefully, you all had a safe and spooky Halloween last weekend and a good time raising Cybersecurity Awareness in October. In case you missed it, SentryOne joined the SolarWinds family last month. We’re very excited to continue growing our portfolio of database monitoring and management products. Look for Tom’s thoughts on that in the list below.

What might you have missed in October?

Tried and True Tech Tips by Leon Adato

VoD: Supporting Microsoft-centric Environments EcoCast featuring Leon Adato

Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Vorteile by Leon Adato (German)

VoD: Level Up Your IT Asset Management Strategy With SolarWinds Service Desk featuring Liz Beavers

Why You Need Security Operations by Sascha Giese

Tips for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month by Sascha Giese

How Have IT Pros Responded to COVID-19? by Sascha Giese

The Perfect World (Without Outages) by Sascha Giese

How IT Pros Can Collect Data to Improve Business Operations featuring Patrick Hubbard

Is Your Business Ready For Shopping Season During a Pandemic? by Patrick Hubbard

VoD: Understanding Current Trends in Public, Private, Hybrid, and Multi-Cloud Computing Panelcast featuring Patrick Hubbard

Will DevOps and APM Get a Lift From the “Next Normal? by Patrick Hubbard

4 Ways Government IT Can Excel in Hybrid Data Center Management by Patrick Hubbard

VoD: “Mind the Gap”—Taking IT Operations Management From Ad-Hoc to Insightful featuring Patrick Hubbard

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2020 by Chrystal Taylor

Protecting Your Data Privacy by Chrystal Taylor

Modern Database Performance Tuning Methods featuring Thomas LaRock

Thoughts on the SentryOne Acquisition by Thomas LaRock

VoD: SQL Server Locking, Blocking, and Deadlocking featuring Thomas LaRock

What’s planned for November?


The most wonderful time of the SolarWinds year is almost here! THWACKcamp is November 12 – 13, so make sure you’re registered. As an attendee for the past eight years, I’m excited to be part of it this year. I always look forward to the live chat, interesting conversation, new perspectives, and tech speak. We (Head Geeks) are looking forward to hanging out in live chat with you all again this year. Don’t forget attendees (not me Frowning2) are eligible to win great prizes during the event as well, if you needed extra incentive to join us. Check out the agenda to see what’s in store. Pay special attention to the changes from previous THWACKcamp events based on your feedback, including new breakout rooms and a coffee break built into each day. This event is for you, and we value your feedback, so be sure to look for a survey after the event to let us know what you think.

Other events next month:

November 11 – Network Optimization with SolarWinds – German Webinar featuring Sascha Giese

November 16 – 17 - ITSM 2020: The Digital Conference featuring Liz Beavers. Liz is presenting on the 17. This is a paid event and requires a pass.

November 17 – 18 – Service Management World featuring Liz Beavers. Liz is presenting on the 18. This is a paid event and requires a pass.

Connect with us!

Leon Adato

Sascha Giese

Patrick Hubbard

Thomas LaRock

Chrystal Taylor

Liz Beavers






















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