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Exporting Items to CSV via SWIS

Hi Folks,

I want to export Data to a CSV to compare this Data with another import CSV.

I already have the "wrapping" around but I can not export the Data. Is there any Powershell-Expert out there to help?

#Load SWIS Snapin

if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq "SwisSnapin"})) {

    Add-PSSnapin "SwisSnapin"


# CSV definition

$ExportFile = 'D:\_NCM_Scripts\Import\ExprtNCM.csv'

#Define Solarwinds System

$hostname = "localhost"

$username = "admin"

$password = "admin"

$cred = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist @($username,(ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force))

#Connect to the System

$target = Connect-Swis -v2 -Credential $cred -Hostname $hostname

#Get all URIs of Nodes in the System

$UriBasket = Get-SwisData $target "SELECT Uri FROM Orion.Nodes"

#Loop through all URIs and get Node Properties

foreach($UriEntry in $UriBasket){

    $CustomProps = $UriEntry+'/CustomProperties'

    $NodeProps = Get-SwisObject $target $UriEntry

  $NodeCustomProps = Get-SwisObject $target $CustomProps

write-host $NodeProps.Caption


I would like to get $NodeProps.Caption etc into a CSV File, I can already access them by the Variables..I just don't know how to build my CSV File in Powershell.

As you can see I can already access the Data I want in the write-host statement

Thanks for any help

  • PowerShell has build-in cmdlet for that purpose: "Export-Csv".

    I hope, that help you, if not, please let me know.

  • I could not get it working with Export CSV, here's what I Came up with:

    ### Export all nodes from DB into CSV File ####

    #Get all URIs of Nodes in the System

    $UriBasket = Get-SwisData $target "SELECT Uri FROM Orion.Nodes"

    #Open Streamwriter

    $outfile = New-Object System.IO.Streamwriter($ExportFile)


    #Loop through all URIs and get Node Properties write to $outfile

    foreach($UriEntry in $UriBasket){

        $CustomProps = $UriEntry+'/CustomProperties'

        $NodeProps = Get-SwisObject $target $UriEntry

        $NodeCustomProps = Get-SwisObject $target $CustomProps





    #Write File to disk and close Streamwriter  



  • That should work as long as none of your custom property values contain a comma, but here's what Bohumil was referring to:

    Get-SwisData $target "SELECT N.Caption, N.CustomProperties.xxxx, N.CustomProperties.xxxxx FROM Orion.Nodes N" | Export-Csv $ExportFile

  • Hi,

    I tried to Pipe the SQL Query to the Export-CSV cmdlet but the CSV was always empty Or I could not access all Custom properties wit the SQL Query, so I came up with the StreamWriter.

    Thanks for the clarification I will try this as well.

    Kind Regards!