What We're Working On

DPA 2021.3 has delivered the capability for a subset of DPA pages, such as Resource tab's metric graphs and the Query Performance Analyzer, to automatically expand to take advantage of the browser width. We will be working on converting more pages in the future. 

Make DPA forms "Responsive" for large monitors

The form width in DPA are fixed, resulting in chart legends being covered and tables that require scroll bars, when there is plenty of screen real estate that is not being used. This can be frustrating when a key bit of information is covered and inaccessible as in the chart example below.

In the case of the blockers list, the scrollbar is at the bottom of the table, and if the table has a lot of rows, you have to scroll to the bottom to move the table left, or use the arrow keys. Small irritations, but irritations that should be easy to address.



  • We're systematically working on the UI to make different pages take advantage of a wide screen. For instance, you can see in the DPA 2021.3 release that the Resources tab metric graphs and Query Performance Analyzer pages will expand to width of your browser.