Open for Voting

Increase SQL Name Length

Can the maximum length of the name of a query plan be expanded beyond 30 characters? When you have multiple instances of a database its not long enough for Database.Schema.Object. Expecially if the objects are prefixed with usp_sel_.

  • Though probably not officially supported and a bit of a hassle, this can be done directly in the backed database. The NAME field in the CON_SQL_NAME table allows up to 100 characters. Be advised, this may alter the appearance or layout of forms in DPA. Also restarting, this is most likely NOT supported.

    - In DPA, identify the applicable Hash you want to rename. Keep the Hash handy.

    - In DPA, give the Hash number a unique name

    - In the repository database, update the CON_SQL_NAME table for specific the Hash. For example in a repository database hosted on SQL Server:

    UPDATE csn


    csn.NAME = '<<unique name longer than 30 characters>>'


    dbo.CON_SQL_NAME AS csn


    csn.HASH = <<hash from DPA>>

    - Refresh the applicable page in DPA, you will see the longer than 30 character name