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Custom Alert - Sybase Database Freespace


This alert replaces the canned Ignite Database Freespace alert for Sybase and is improved in two ways:

  1. The canned alert will error if there are any databases that are no online when it executes. This new alert will skip those databases.
  2. This alert will report on each segment inside the database to give more specific information about what is filling up.


To create the alert, click on Alerts > Manage Alerts tab and create a Custom Alert of type Custom SQL Alert - Multiple Numeric Return. Configure the alert with values similar to these:

Alert Name: Sybase Database Freespace

Execution Interval: 10 minutes

Notification Text: The following databases are running low on free space

SQL Statement:

-- perform some cleanup in case the last exec of this failed for some reason

if object_id('#dbs') is not null

   drop table #dbs

if object_id('#seginfo') is not null

   drop table #seginfo

-- save a list of databases that are online

select name

into   #dbs

from   master.dbo.sysdatabases d

where  d.status & 4384 = 0   -- don't recover, not recovered, single user

and  d.status2 & 16 = 0   -- offline

create index dbs_pk on #dbs (name)

-- table to hold dbname and segment name (the db_seg column) and the free space pct

create table #seginfo (db_seg varchar(255) null, pct_free float null)

declare @SQL varchar(1000), @DBName sysname

select @DBName = min(name) from #dbs

-- loop through each database and get the free space info by segment

while @DBName is not null


   set @SQL = 'select ''Database: ''+@DBName+'' - Segment: ''+segn, 100.0 * free / size

                        into existing table #seginfo

                        from (

                           select  segn    =,

                                        size    = sum(u.size),

                                        free    = sum(curunreservedpgs(u.dbid, u.lstart, u.unreservedpgs))

                           from    master.dbo.sysusages u,

                                    '+@DBName+'.dbo.syssegments  s

                           where   (u.segmap & power(2, s.segment)) = power(2, s.segment)

                           and   u.segmap != 4  -- logsegment

                           and  u.dbid = db_id(@DBName)

                           group by a'

   exec (@SQL)

   select @DBName = min(name) from #dbs where name > @DBName


-- return the list of dbs, segments and free space back to Ignite for comparison with defined thresholds

select * from #seginfo

drop table #dbs

drop table #seginfo

Execute Against: Monitored Instance

Units: % Free

High Threshold: Min 0, Max 5

Medium Threshold: Min 5, Max 10