In my essay “I Wish Someone Had Told Me” I talk about getting started in IT, and how at the beginning, you are just all over the place. You are pulled into different projects, working with different teams.

And that’s the problem. Because if you keep letting yourself get pulled around, you will never settle into one area, and you will never get REALLY good at something.

What I didn’t say in the essay is that beginning – meaning starting to focus on the area that excites you most – means NOT focusing on other things. And that can be hard. It can be a challenge when you realize you no longer know every variation of every component in 3 vendor’s line of servers; or that you no longer think in code; or that all the old keyboard tricks you knew were for operating systems that are now defunct.

But that’s the price, and it’s one worth paying.

  • Whenever I speak or lead a group meeting I have a phrase "Begin with the end in mind." That end must always be action. We often talk/lead to impart knowledge or ideas - but knowledge and ideas without action are pretty meaningless. Consider first what you want people to do with the information that you are giving them, then purpose to convey the information - along with a passion - to them in a way that incites action.

  • Whenever I speak or lead a group meeting I have a phrase "Begin with the end in mind." That end must always be action. We often talk/lead to impart knowledge or ideas - but knowledge and ideas without action are pretty meaningless. Consider first what you want people to do with the information that you are giving them, then purpose to convey the information - along with a passion - to them in a way that incites action.

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