The Second Annual IT Professionals Day: IT is Everywhere

With September upon us, it can only mean one thing. Well, OK, it could mean a lot of things, but it only means one really important thing—the second annual IT Professionals Day 2016 is just around the corner, of course. Mark your calendar for September 20th!

In case you’re unfamiliar, IT Professionals Day is the day to celebrate all IT professionals regardless of specific discipline. If you’re a storage admin, this is your day. If you’re a network engineer, this is your day. If you’re a DBA, this is your day. If you’re a do-it-all DevOps ninja with one foot in your data center, another in a remote office and your head in the cloud who also protects your infrastructure from dastardly villains, you guessed it, this is your day.

The reality is that today, IT is everywhere, which is the theme of this year’s holiday. It’s true not just because corporate-connected smartphones, tablets and laptops tag along nearly everywhere, but because even personal devices in the workplace often fall under your care. Speaking of caring for technology outside your traditional scope of control, now, with hybrid IT on the rise, you are even responsible for the performance of services provided by third-party cloud vendors.

And that really just scratches the surface of what “IT professional” means today. With this in mind, a single day to honor you is clearly not enough, but it’s a start.

Stay tuned to as we draw closer to the holiday as fun, exciting and interesting updates, videos, infographics and survey results on the expanding borders of IT are added.

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